Susan Bang PR

PR and Business Philosophy

Your Business is My Business: I treat the client’s budget as if it were my own.

Passion: PR is a craft. Choose a practitioner who has passion for the discipline, and for your business, too.

Enthusiasm: For the product, for the service, for the client.

Knowing the Consumer: The program must create a lasting bond with the target audience.

Empowering the Consumer: They want to receive marketing messages on their own terms. Let them.

Connectivity: Incorporate the virtual world by connecting it with consumers on all platforms, especially online and on-demand.

Listening: To the marketplace, to the consumer, to the needs, goals and aspirations of the client, right now and in the future.

Partnerships: Large and small companies need to look for ways to align with noncompetitive yet synergistic partners.

Small Companies Deserve Big Thinking: Any company doing great things deserves big thinking, at budgets it can afford.

Hope: Mindful of risk; positive about outcomes.

Earning the Business: Through thoughtful, well-planned programs that reflect client realities and address business needs.

Keeping the Business: Consistent, detail-oriented performance and service.